08 November 2007

not a food post: prairie home companion

to the horror of those who know me, i have started listening to prairie home companion each and every weekend at work - what could be nicer than listening to garrison keillor while you laminate croissant dough? nothing, that's what. and i've come to a startling conclusion, one that i need to share with the internet world-at-large so that when it happens, i can say "you read it here first". when garrison keillor has come to the end of his tenure - as he must, at some point - he can, should, and in a fair world will be replaced by colin meloy, lead singer of the decemberists. even though i think colin is a pretentious, smug man, isn't that a part of keillor's charm? mr meloy already has a proven sophisticated accent, and his stage banter is just the right tone. listen to it in your mind's ear - you know it'd work.

so here you have it - American Public Media execs take note.

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